Sunday, August 10, 2008

Inspirational Tisha B'Av Thoughts, cont.

When someone's father dies, r"l, no one has to teach her how to mourn. The whole world stops. Shiva is followed by a less intense mourning of the thirty day period and then by the even less severe and strict mourning period of the first year. Slowly, as time passes, the pain becomes more manageable.

But when someone is born into the world after her father already died, and she never even knew or saw her father, she first has to become aware that something is missing in her life. As time passes, she understands what not having a father has cost her, and most importantly, after hearing what type of person her father was, and how much he would've loved her and she would've loved him, she yearns for and mourns the intimate relationship that she lost out on.

We are like that daughter who was born into a world without a Father. Our mourning process is built up, increases with time, as we understand more and more, what it is we're missing out on. So we start with Shiva Asar b'Tamuz, go on to the three weeks and finally culminate with Tisha B'Av, after we have fully grasped the magnitude of our loss.

If someone who was color blind was offered an operation to restore his color- which would be costly and uncomfortable but not dangerous - and he would refuse, we would think he's crazy. But you never saw a sunset, we would tell him. Oh, I have, he would say. It's beautiful, so many different shades of grey. I'm fine. The way I see things now is good enough for me.

In this galus, we are like that color blind man. Except we are blind as bats. We don't even know what it is we're missing out on. We think we know what a Shabbos, a Yom Tov, a davening is. We're happy to settle for second-rate living. If we're lucky enough to daven at the Kosel, we say, That was so inpiring, that's good enough. But that was just the stones of the outer wall of the courtyard! We should want more! We should not settle for a sunset in shades of grey! We should not settle for second rate living!

And so today is the day when we express to Hashem that we are aware that there is so much more. That life is supposed to be so much richer, deeper, better. That we're not really living here. That we're not prepared to continue living as color blind people. That we want, really want, please, please, to see the day when we will fully understand and experience the burst of color and beauty that we yearned for so deeply.

May Hashem bring that day very soon in our times.

Thoughts taken from Chevi Garfinkel's shiur on the three weeks.

Inspirational Tisha B'Av Thoughts - from a speech by Chevi Garfinkel

Do you know those special kind of people who make the whole room light up when they come in? Who bring out the best in people, who give everything you do a sense of purpose and mission, because they have a vision? They empower you just by their presence, because they have so much confidence in you, they trust you so much, that everything becomes manageable when they're around and you just cope better? They're the glue that gels everyone together.

And then, one day, they leave. The joy is missing, people aren't able to get along as well... They're gone a week, a month, a year... and everything falls apart. Because what they brought to the table wasn't tangible, but it was real. And now it's missing.

When Hashem went into Galus, we lost that. We lost that on a personal level, on a family level, on a communal level, on a world-wide level. Everything is falling apart. The joy is gone, we're not coping so well, we're not rising to the challenges, we're not getting along so well... We need our tatty! Our daddy! Our abba! Our father!
You are the glue, Hashem!

Today, we are mourning the loss of our most precious relationship and everything that distance has caused the world. The loss of clarity, the loss of unity, the loss of prophecy, of purity, the loss of everything that has been weakened by our Father's distance.
The cost of this galus has been so great. The pain, the sick people, Eretz Yisrael, the Kassam missles, the kids who are leaving Yiddishkeit, the millions of people who don't even know what Yiddishkeit is, the break down of the family...

But Hashem did not abandon us. Hashem is always involved and communicating with us. Hashem has distanced Himself for a reason. Everything Hashem does for us has a benefit.
So what is the purpose of galus, of exile, of all this pain and distance? What is the purpose of this experience?

Galus is a state of being where that which you value is tested.
What do we value? We value holiness, we value meaning, truth, kindness, love, davening, Shabbos, tznius, purpose, purity. Deep inside of us, we have the belief that all these things are meaningful and we would want to become people who live by them.
Galus is a situation where all these beliefs are challenged. Do you still believe? Do you still have faith? Pain and hardships only intensify the challenge and the test. But they are not the definition of galus.

The definition of galus is, How much are your values worth to you?
Those very things the world has forced you to stand up for... your tznius, your davening, your purity... It forces you to dig very deep and to answer, I don't care if I suffer, I don't care if I'm made fun of, if I look ridiculous, if society thinks I'm a crazy extremist. There's nothing You can do to me Hashem, that will ever let me let go of You. You know how much You're worth to me? Everything! Hashem, You put me in a world that challenges and wants to rip everything I hold dear apart, but I never doubt the value of what I live for. And although I fall and have setbacks, I will get up again. I'm going to hold on and to strengthen it.

That's the purpose of galus. It is a state of being that what deep down, you hold most dear, is tested. It is only in galus that we can be tested and challenged because only here are we surrounded by lack of clarity and by everything that opposes that which we cherish most.
There was a time when these treasures were misused and underappreciated. So Hashem said, I will put you in a position where all these values will be ripped away from you so that it will awaken in you a desire to have it back.
Hashem is communicating to us through galus. What is important to you??

And Hashem promises, all those who yearn for Me, who mourn their lack of relationship with Me, who chase after Me, will be creating the comfort, the closeness, the redemption that will be theirs. To the degree that we mourn today, to the degree that we appreciate and value that which we lost, to that degree will we merit to experience the comfort and closeness that we deserve.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Tisha B'av 2008

Hi girls. Hope you're all doing well.
Tisha B'Av begins on Shabbos evening at 8:01 pm (the third meal of Shabbos must be completed by then) and ends on Sunday at 8:45 pm.

Just for some background, when someone yearns for something, by definition, he is connected to that something. When we yearn, when we mourn for our past, for the beauty that once was, there is still a connection to that glory, to that holiness, to that greatness that once existed. But the moment that yearning is severed chas v'shalom, the moment we stop yearning for the Beis Hamikdash, we are torn away from that past and it doesn't exist for us.

Napolean was once walking the streets of France when he heard crying from a small little house. He sent one of his soldiers to investigate what was going on. He came back and told Napolean, "2,0000 years ago, they had a Temple that was burned down. They're crying over their losses." Napolean who was a very smart man became very excited and said, "I swear that there's hope for these people."
If Napolean would pass by our houses this Tisha B'Av, would he be concerned or interested to find out what our cries are about? Would we be crying?

When you go to a wedding, it's sometimes hard to tell who the close relatives are because everyone looks the same and everyone's dancing and for the most part, is happy. But when r"l, one goes to a funeral, it's very clear who is very close to the deceased and who is far.
During the year, when we celebrate our different holidays, it is not always clear who is a true servant of Hashem, whose heart is in it; most of us are happy. But when it comes to Tisha B'Av, when Hashem's pain and our losses are being mourned, it is very clear to see who is close to Hashem... Do we feel the pain? Do we express it by observing Tisha B'av properly? This is the true litmus test.

Nothing secular at all should be done during this day... nothing at all! We don't want to miss the boat... Remember, Hashem wants our heart, our feelings, and our teshuva.

The following post (beneath this one) is a general summary of the laws of Tisha B'Av for any person who is truly searching to know the correct conduct and who wishes to be guided through this important time of the Jewish year. Just click on the article to read the larger version. If there are any questions that you have that are not included here, feel free to call, email or post me a comment on our blog and I will try my best to find the correct answer for you.

I will be posting articles, links and video presentations on our blog and through our group email throughout Tisha B'av, so look out for them.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and an easy and meaningful fast.

Morah Greenes

p.s. Try to eat fiber and protien and drink lots of water before the fast. Try not to have any caffiene or salt. Watermelon and grapes are also supposed to be good to eat before a fast.

Overview and the Laws of Tisha B'Av

Friday, August 1, 2008

The 9 Days begin Tonight

hi there, girls! hope everyone has a nice Shabbos!

tonight, Friday night, is Rosh Chodesh Av which begins the nine days of mourning untill Tisha B'Av which is in a week from Sunday.

Although there are specific halachos to follow during these days, which I will outline below, Hashem does not just want our acts, He wants our heart. Anything we would not do if we truly felt pain (if someone close to us passed away, G-d forbid), we should not do during this time - when we are mourning the greatest losses we have ever experienced, that of both Batei Mikdashot. Someone who is mourning does not feel like doing anything fun or pleasurable, even if he is allowed to. That should be our attitude during these days.

We shouldn't party with our friends... we should minimize enjoyable activities and instead do meaningful activities - listen to speeches, learn, read meaningful literature etc. Chazal tell us that anyone who mourns the Beis Hamikdash properly will merit to see and rejoice in its rebuilding. May we all merit that day very soon - when all our tears will be wiped away forever and we will have clarity and joy for all time.

During the 9 days, one may not:
*listen to music, attend weddings,
*take a haircut/shave/wax
*eat meat or wine (one should only eat dairy during this time as meat and wine symbolize pleasure and joy)
*buy or wear new clothing
*wash or wear fresh laundry
*bathe or swim (one should only take cold showers during this time when necessary except for erev Shabbos when one can take a hot shower in honor of Shabbos.)

Please post any questions you might have. And again, remember, the idea is in our attitude and our feelings. Let's make Hashem proud.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Win Fifty Dollars Cash! Here's How It Works:

Hi everybody!!
So here's the new way to win fifty dollars cash:
Tell us a story where you:
- went out of your way to be nice and friendly to someone and to make her feel included
- found the hashgacha in everyday life
- were dan l'kaf zchus somebody
- held back from saying lashon haroh or stopped someone else from speaking lashon haroh
- didn't wear that questionable outfit
or any other story of spiritual success - and nothing is too small to share!
Every comment entitles you to a raffle entry.
Any comment that was shared by someone else through your encouragement (meaning to say that you encouraged her to take part in this and to post her story) entitles you to 3 entries. (Just have the girl mark your name at the end of her comment.)
Raffle to be drawn January 1st iy"H.
Looking forward to the beautiful way you girls encourage and congratulate each other... It's so heartwarming and touching for me to see...!

You're all the best,


Sunday, November 4, 2007

Congratulations to our Winner!!!!

Congratulations to the winner of a fifty dollar gift certificate....
Shoshi Peer!!!!
Congratulations to all our participants!
Information to be posted one of these days - keep checking!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Fifty Dollar Gift Certificate to Freehold Mall to Be Drawn... You Can Be the Winner!!!

Listen to this! Tell us how school's going so far for you (in as much detail as possible) and be entered into a raffle to win a fifty dollar gift certificate to Freehold Raceway Mall. (or store of your choice - to be used to buy tznius clothing of course!) It's as easy as that!
Every comment here entitles you to one entry. Every response to someone else's comment entitles you to two entries and every comment where you share a spiritual thought with us (that you learned or thought about or grew in or are struggling with) entitles you to three entries.
Raffle will be drawn on Thursday, November 1st, iy"H.
Winner will be announced on our blog and will be mailed the certificate.
You can share anything you'd like with us in your comment, as long as it's appropriate (of course it will be, coming from my girls!)
I will submit the raffle entries based on your comments.
Post any questions here and I will answer them as soon as I can...
Have a great day and good luck getting back to school tomorrow!

Monday, October 1, 2007

Happy Succos, Girls!

Hi!!! Hope e/o's enjoying their Succos! I wanted to drop a line to let u all know that I'm thinking of you =)
Naomi, Tova, Jesse, Daniella and Baila - I'm still waiting for your charts so that I can give you your well deserved rewards! Send them in soon, ok?
Have a great rest of Succos and I'd love to hear from you here when u get a chance.
Lots of love,
ps shalom ties will be resuming soon iy"H. stay tuned!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

New Hotline in time for erev Yom Kippur

Hi everyone! Wanted to wish u all an easy and meaningful fast and let u know that i posted a new hotline in time to give u an inspirational boost for Yom Kippur. It will help u daven better on the most awesome day of the year... when every single part of of lives is being decided.
after first recording - *# 2, 55

Sunday, September 16, 2007

hi there girls!

long time no speak! i miss u all! hope all of ur Rosh Hashana's were nice and that Hashem answered all ur tefillos for the very best.
hope school is coming along nicely and that ur getting ready for Yom Kippur...
here it's busy, busy, busy b"H... but i think of you all the time. my Rosh Hashana was beautiful and meaningful b"H and i davened really hard for all of you.
thinking of u always,

Friday, September 7, 2007

Make Sure to Turn in your Papers so you Can Receive your Rewards

Hey Guys!!!
Hope ur all surviving ur first couple of days of school!!! (I'm in this together with u, u know!)
B"H, the yomim tovim are coming up, so that should be a nice break!
Anyways, for those of you who didn't yet, be sure to mail or send me ur summer incentive papers so that i can give u ur rewards.
it might take a couple days now that school started, but it will come soon!!!!
To those of u who sent urs in already, YOU MADE ME SO PROUD.... as u always do.
How lucky am i to have such great kids as my close students?????
u truly r the best - have a great shabbos and keep being u.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Happy Birthday Daniella!!!!

Happy fourteenth birthday, dear!!!! How absolutely exciting!!!!
We are all thinking about u and wishing u the very best on this special day!!!!
May the coming year be one of growth and accomplishment and joy. May u cont. to make Hashem proud through the choices that u make!!!
We love you!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 31, 2007

Happy Birthday Baila!!!!

How exciting! What a special day!!! I wish u all the happiness and accomplishments in the world and that your new year be filled with satisfaction and growth and connection to Hashem through Torah and mitzvos!!! We love u, Baila!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Good Morning Girls!!! Here are Some of your Last Bonus Points!!!

Believe it or not, our summer incentive program is really coming to an end... just today and Friday and it'll be over... DOES TIME FLY OR WHAT

You can feel proud of all the special achievements you've gained over the summer... you can look back with real pride and know that you've accomplished something special - what an incredible feeling!

And for now, some of your last bonus points:
Tell us here what you've gained and how you've grown from our program and from the book you've learned. You can earn upto 4 points, depending on how detailed your comment is. I will email you how many points you've earned after I read your comment here.

Stay tuned for details about earning points during the school year...

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Mazel Tov Mrs. Freedman! Girls, You Are Invited...

to her newborn baby's bris tomorrow, at 8:15 am in Zichron Shneur which is on Oak Knoll Rd off 14th Street. She asked that I invite you all through the blog. I'd love to see you there! May we only share in simchos!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Your Bonus Points for the Week - Collect 'em All!!!

Hi girls!!! hope ur Shabbos was nice! The following are ur bonus points for the week. Collect 'em all at ur own pace.

Watch the following movies on and comment on them here for a point each:

Read the following 2 articles from and comment on them here for 2 points each:

Hold back from saying lashon horah and say a bracha out loud for a point each.
Tell us a dan l'kaf zechus story (where u judged someone favorably) and a hashgacha pratis story for a point each.



Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Happy Rosh Chodesh Elul, Girls!

Today & tomorrow... an extra 2 bonus points 4 those who daven & add in yaaleh vyavoh and half of hallel and let us know abt it here... have a super day! thinking of u all!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Shabbos in Rochester with Lemore & Maga & Pool Party Pix!

Ok, so the top pic is of lemore trying to take a pic of us while i'm driving 75 miles an hour (responsible driver that i am, i'm looking at the road and not at the cam), then there are some pics of lemore's counselor from nageela (who didnt hear abt her yet?) who is just as awesome as lemore makes her sound here! and then there are some pics of our pool party - check out the gorgeous scenery... that was realllly fun... and the bottom is of lemore & miriam englard who dropped in by me one fine day while they were passing by... bottom line? summer is a ball... have a great day... one & all! (am i a poet or what?)

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Today's 2 Bonus Points Opportunity!!

Good morning girls!
Today, leave a comment here, filling us in on how the program's coming along. Include some of your accomplishments and some of your struggles - and earn 2 bonus points while you're at it!!
Have a meaningful and happy day!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

You are invited to a Pool Party!

This Thursday weather permitting- address changed and time extended. Call or email for details.
You can rsvp here or just show up! Just bring along $4 for pizza and drinks and arrange to be picked up from new address. I can't wait to see you!
p.s. rsvping here would be the best way to go.
p.p.s. in case of rain, we will iy"H reschedule for next wk.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Good Morning Girls and Bonus Point Opportunity!

xHi everyone! How are you all? Long time no post! Hope ur all having a great day so far and smiling away! How's the program going? Fill us in please! So here's ur bonus point: If you watch the 2 minute movie that's showing on "Beautiful World" and let us know what u thought abt it here, you earn 1 bonus point! Simple enough, huh? =) Have a meaningful and happy day!

Friday, August 3, 2007

Bonus Points and Good Shabbos Everyone!!!

Good morning, girls!
Hope the program is doing amazing!!!
If you share a hashgacha story with us here before Shabbos,
you receive 2 bonus points. It can be so small... that's where true hashagacha is...
I will iy"H leave the times for Shabbos as a comment later on today...
Have a great day everyone!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

More Shalom Pics and Bonus Points Opportunity!!

Cute, no? =) We missed the rest of u! Let's make a date!!! Call to arrange....
So for the first day of our second stage, AUGUST 1st....
If u stop urself from saying lashon horah once, say at least 4 brachos out loud and post a comment here about it (not the lashon horah! - about how ur doing in general and in regard to our program) you get 3 bonus points. What a great way to start the first day!
Good luck and have an amazing and meaningful day!


Girls, today is JULY 31ST!!!!!!!
That means it's the last day of the first part of our summer program!!!!!
Count up ur points and send them in... either by mail or in person.
As soon as I see them, and ur highlighted book, ur eligible for ur $!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Happy Fifteenth Birthday, Sarah!!!!

What a special, major day!!!!
We're all thinking of u and wishing you all the brachos in the world.
More than anything - may you cont. to make Hashem proud and live your days with meaning, purpose and growth.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Have a Great Shabbos Everyone!!!

Candle lighting is at 7:58 and Shabbos is 18 minutes later at 8:16. Shabbos is over at 9:06 or for those holding the later time at 9:28. Coming up on Motzoei Shabbos iy"H... more Shalom pics...
Wishing everyone a great Shabbos from the Shalom Ties Blogspot!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Goodbye Naomi and Tova!!! Have Fun at Sternberg! We'll Miss U!!

Naomi and Tova... Can't believe you're really leaving already! i think it's safe to say that i say this on behalf of e/o here on our blog: WE'LL MISS U!!!! have loads of fun!!! drop a line here once in a while if shayna doesn't mind... We'll be thinking about u! make me proud, ok? =)

Here's their address in Sternberg:

Camp Sternberg
96 Camp Utopia Rd.
Narrowsburg NY, 12764

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Finally... All You'll Ever Need to Know about Tisha B'Av (well, almost) and MAJOR Bonus Points Opportunity!!!

Ready? K, so here goes. If you read all six articles and comment on them (click on them to read) and you fast, following the guidelines to the best of your ability, (the first 2 articles need to be read before Tisha B'Av -Monday, and the last 4 can be read on Tisha B'Av - Monday nite/Tuesday) you receive 6 Bonus Points!!! Wait! That's not all! If you earn the above 6 points, you are eligible to earn an additional 6 points! Here's how: For every person you read an article to, you receive an additional 1/2 Bonus Point!!! For every inspiring event you attend on Tisha B'Av, you receive an additional 3 Bonus Points!!!(Maximum 12 Bonus Points per person, excluding attending an inspiring event - those are limitless). Times for when the fast begins and ends, as well as events that will be taking place on Tisha B'Av will be posted tom. iy"H. Any ?'s about Tisha B'Av that are not answered through these articles, or any ?'s about the bonus points, please feel free to comment right here on our spot... Aren't we lucky to have this?
p.s. try to eat fiber and protien and drink lots of water before the fast. try not to have any caffiene or salt. watermelon and grapes are also supposed to be good to eat before a fast.
p.p.s. nothing secular at all should be done during this day... nothing at all. we don't want to miss the boat... remember, Hashem wants our heart, our feelings, and our teshuva.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Coming up on Sunday...

Bonus points opportunity and all you'll ever need to know about Tisha B'av....
(which begins Monday nite)
Make sure to visit our blog on Sunday for this crucial information - and share it with your family and friends so that they too can keep the fast properly.
In the meantime, have a wonderful Shabbos! Candle lighting is at 8:04 (getting earlier!) and Shabbos begins 18 minutes later at 8:22. Shabbos is over at 9:14 or for those who hold the later time, 9:34.
Thinking of you all!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Bonus Points Alert!

Good news! Mrs. Joni Miller is on the hotline!
Anyone who listens in tonight and leaves a message, will receive 2 bonus points!
If you listen in any time after that and leave a message, you will receive 1 bonus point. Enjoy!

AS SOON as message comes to an end, IMMEDIATELY press *, #, 2, 55
to hear the continuation of the recording and to leave a message.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

The 9 Days Begin Tonight

hi there, girls! hope everyone had a nice Shabbos!
tonight is Rosh Chodesh Av which begins the nine days of mourning untill Tisha B'Av which is the ninth day of Av.
Although there are specific halachos to follow during these days, which i will outline below, Hashem does not just want our acts, He wants our heart. Anything we would not do if we truly felt pain (if someone close to us passed away, G-d forbid), we should not do during this time - when we are mourning the greatest losses we have ever experienced, that of both Batei Mikdashot.
Someone who is mourning does not feel like doing anything fun or pleasurable, even if he is allowed to. That should be our attitude during these days. We shouldn't party with our friends... we should minimize enjoyable activities and instead do meaningful activities - listen to speeches, learn, read meaningful literature etc.
Chazal tell us that anyone who mourns the Beis Hamikdash properly will merit to see and rejoice in its rebuilding. May we all merit that day very soon - when all our tears will be wiped away forever and we will have clarity and joy for all time.

During the 9 days, one should not:
*listen to music, attend weddings, take a haircut/shave/wax
*eat meat or wine (one should only eat dairy during this time as meat and wine symbolize pleasure and joy)
*buy or wear new clothing
*wash or wear fresh laundry
*bathe or swim (one should only take cold showers during this time when necessary except for erev Shabbos when one can take a hot shower in honor of Shabbos.)

please post any questions you might have. And again, remember, the idea is in our attitude and our feelings. let's make Hashem proud.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Bonus Points Alert!!

Hi everybody!!! How's it going?!? Keep us posted!
Check your email for an "Ask Yehudit" column.
Anyone who reads it and posts a comment about their feelings/thoughts/opinions on it,
will receive an extra 2 bonus points!
The deadline is Thursday night. Enjoy!
Thinking of you all,
p.s. you can do it together with someone and post one comment with both of your thoughts on it. Have fun!
(To view larger version of the article (readable) just click on it.)

Friday, July 6, 2007

Have a Great Shabbos, Everyone and Welcome Back Aline, Amarell and Irene!

Wishing everyone a wonderful Shabbos!
Candle lighting is at 8:11 pm. Shabbos begins 18 minutes later, at 8:29 pm.
Shabbos is over at 9:23 pm, or for those holding the later time, 9:41 pm.
Remember to daven shemoneh esrei and davening for Shabbos which is different than the weekdays. Anyone needing a siddur with Shabbos davening in it, please let me know, and I'll be happy to send you one. Most siddurim should have Shabbos davening in it, look through the table of contents. If you have someone to show you, ask them to show you which parts you should daven. Otherwise, feel free to ask here.
Welcome back from Florida, Aline, Amarell and Irene! We missed you, especially on our blog, and are so happy to have you back on this side of town! We look forward to hearing from you here.
Daniella says hi to everyone but since her computer's down, she can't visit our blog till it's fixed. But she's doing great! Davening shacharis and mincha, learning, being shomer negiah, dressing in skirts, covering her collarbone... the list goes on... we're so proud and we're rooting for you, Daniella!
Girls, keep up the great work and enjoy Shabbos, it's a gift from Heaven - a day to stop running and doing so much, and instead, to relax, spend time with our families and think about where our lives our headed... you all have a lot to be proud of, that's for sure!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Bonus Point Alert!

Hello everybody! I am loving your comments and your incredible achievements!
You are making me so proud, you can't even imagine! Keep it up and keep the comments coming! =)
Today, (Thursday, July 5th), you can earn an extra bonus point if you look out for, find, and post a hashgacha pratis story that happened to you.
Can't wait to hear them! Have the best day ever!!!

p.s. We’re trying out a new thing – Instead of getting an email every time there's a new post or every time someone comments, you’ll receive a summary of everyone’s comments once a day.
We’ll see how it goes.
That means you’ll have to check the blog out during the day to see if there are any new posts or comments.
Let me know if you have any ?’s abt this.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Fast Day Tomorrow and Bonus Points Opportunity

Tomorrow is Shiva Asar B'Tammuz. (The 17th day of Tammuz.)
Anyone who fasts properly, following all of the guidlelines printed below, will receive and extra 4 Bonus Points.
Anyone who listens into the hotline during the fast to hear Mrs. Lieberman's messsage again, will receive an extra 1 Bonus Point. 609-443-4877-7-3
Maximum point earnings tomorrow: 15 Points (10 + 5 Bonus) = $7.50

Remember: You must read and follow all of the guidelines listed below to earn the 4 bonus points for fasting.

* Fast begins at 4:17 am and ends at 9:19 pm (long fast!)
* If you're going to eat in the morning before 4:17, have that in mind before you go to sleep.
*The Mishna Berurah explains that those people who fast, but waste away the day with pleasure trips or other nonsense, have missed the point. The point of fasting is to awaken our hearts to do teshuvah.
* The Mishnah lists 5 tragic events that occured on the 17th of Tammuz.
1) When Moshe came down from Har Sinai with the first set of Luchos, he broke them when he saw the cheit ha'eigel.
2) The walls of Yerushalayim were broken into by the enemy before the destruction of the second Beis Hamikdash.
3) There were no longer any sheep available to offer as the Korban Tomid.
4) A Greek officer burnt a Sefer Torah.
5) An idol was in the Beis Hamikdash during the time of the second Beis Hamikdash.

* Those obligated to fast are healthy adults - any boy over the age of 13 and girl over the age of 12 is considered an adult. Although children are permitted to eat on a fast day, those old enough to understand the concept of mourning (approximately 9 years old) should only eat foods necessary to maintain their health, and they should not be given sweets.
*People who are sick (even if their illness is not life-threatening), older people, and those who are weak and could be harmed by fasting, should not fast. Those who are exempt from fasting, should not eat treats or delicacies, rather only what is necessary to maintain their health. Also, it is better that they should not eat in public so that others will not think lightly of the fast and come to eat.
* If one is distressed by not being able to rinse her mouth, she can do so, but should bend her mouth downwards so that the water won't reach her throat.
*It is permissible to take medicine without water. If one can not swallow the medicine without water, one can use a minimal amount of water.
*If one ate or drank by mistake, she is still obligated to continue fasting.
*Washing and bathing are permitted.
*A special tefillah, Aneinu, is added into Shemoneh Esrei during Minchah, after the bracha of R'ei V'anyainu.
*Learning, improving, and growing are the main points of the day. Hashem wants our heart! Not a day of fasting with out any thought or feeling! Let's focus on becoming better people tomorrow, and then we'll know that we have brought Mashiach and the rebuilding of the Beis Hamikdash that much closer, bemihairah beyamaynu, amen.

Tomorrow begins the 3 weeks, leading up to Tisha B'av when both Batei Mikdashot were destroyed. One should not listen to music or attend weddings during this time.

Good luck fasting tomorrow, girls. Let us know how it's going!

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Good Luck to all our Contestants!!!

I'm rooting for all of you and I know you'll do AMAZING!!!!!
Remember to ask Hashem to help you when you daven!
Please post how your first day is coming along and read everyone else's comments as well...
Let's stay in close touch through this blog... this is our spot!
Just press "other" when posting a comment and type in your name - you don't have to put in your web page when it asks for it.
Can't wait to hear how all of you are doing! POST AWAY!!!!
p.s. I'm already so proud of you!!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

All Psyched?????

Getting ready????
All psyched?????
Our program is beginning in 3 DAYS!!!!
Do you have your book and your learning partner all set up?
'Cuz as soon as Sunday morning comes around iy”H, we’re ready to roll!!!
And that’s when the money and the lifetime rewards will start rolling in as well!!!!
CAN’T WAIT!!!!!!!
- Morah

P.S. Call, email or post any last minute questions!
P.P.S. Are you signed up to ( for Growing Each Day or to ( for Daily Lift? (free sign up is on the right side of page)
P.P.P.S. Make sure to check out our blog once a day for special announcements about our program and for awesome opportunities to get bonus points! (

Monday, June 25, 2007

Important Points to Read Before You Begin Our Program:

Program begins Sunday, July 1st.

  • Learn for a minimum of 5 minutes a day with your partner.
  • Highlight any lines that speak to you are that are important to you. I will look through your highlighted lines at the end of each month.
  • Check blog ( at least once a day for important announcements about our program or for opportunities to get bonus points. By checking it out every day, you’re guaranteed not to lose out. Feel free to post any comments or questions you may have. This is our spot! Use it and enjoy it!
  • You may only earn points on a day that you have learned.
  • You can sign up for either Growing Each Day ( or for Daily Lift ( . Try both out and see which one you enjoy more.
  • On any day that the aish email does not come, you can learn an extra 5 minutes from your book to make up for that point. But you can only do that on a day that the email does not come.
  • Those who are learning the tznius book should begin with chapter 10 on page 559: The Exceptional Benefits of Tznius.
  • Cut and paste the point sheet from our blog onto a word document. Try fitting 2 onto a page. I will need to see all 31 sheets at the end of each month before sending you your money. Keep careful track each day. Do not fill it in a few days later. (Except for Shabbos of course, when you'll fill it in first thing Motzoei Shabbos.)
  • You can either choose to learn on your own on Shabbos or wait to do it with your partner on Motzoei Shabbos.
  • You are all ready to begin our incredible, monumental program! Welcome to our club!!! I know you’ll do amazing!!! Go for it!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Summer Incentive Program

Once I recieve your information, and you recieve your book, YOU'RE READY TO BEGIN!

Copy and paste the form below for each day.

(To view a larger version of this poster, just double click on it.)